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High Risk
Auto Insurance

Discover how easy it is to find the best rates for your car insurance needs. Get started now and see how much you can save on high risk auto insurance!

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What is High Risk Auto Insurance?

High risk auto insurance is a specialized type of coverage designed for drivers who are considered to be a greater risk to insurance companies. These drivers are often labeled as “high-risk” due to various factors that increase the likelihood of filing a claim. High risk auto insurance typically comes with higher premiums to compensate for the increased risk.

Examples of High-Risk Drivers:

  • Multiple Traffic Violations: Drivers with numerous speeding tickets or other traffic infractions.
  • DUI/DWI Convictions: Those with driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated convictions.
  • Poor Credit Scores: Drivers with low credit ratings, which some insurers use as an indicator of risk.
  • Young or Inexperienced Drivers: New drivers or those under the age of 25.
  • Lapses in Insurance Coverage: Individuals who have had periods without auto insurance coverage.

Why Would You Need High Risk Auto Insurance?

Common Reasons for High Risk Classification

There are several reasons why a driver might be classified as high-risk, including:

  • Traffic Violations and Accidents: Frequent involvement in traffic incidents or multiple moving violations.
  • DUI/DWI Convictions: Being convicted of driving under the influence or while intoxicated.
  • Young or Inexperienced Drivers: Limited driving experience or being a young driver.
  • Lapses in Insurance Coverage: Gaps in maintaining continuous auto insurance coverage.
  • Poor Credit History: Low credit scores can lead to a high-risk designation in some states.

Consequences of Being a High Risk Driver

Being labeled as a high-risk driver can have several implications, including:

  • Higher Premiums: Insurance companies charge higher rates to offset the increased risk.
  • Limited Insurance Options: Fewer insurers may be willing to provide coverage, reducing your choices.

How to Get a Cheap Quote for High-Risk Drivers

Tips for Finding Affordable High Risk Auto Insurance

Even if you are classified as a high-risk driver, there are strategies to help you find more affordable auto insurance:

  • Shopping Around and Comparing Quotes: Obtain quotes from multiple insurance providers to find the best rates.
  • Bundling Insurance Policies: Combine auto insurance with other policies (like home or renters insurance) to qualify for discounts.
  • Taking a Defensive Driving Course: Completing a recognized defensive driving course can help lower your risk profile and premiums.
  • Maintaining a Clean Driving Record: Avoiding further traffic violations and accidents will gradually improve your risk status.
  • Improving Your Credit Score: Work on improving your credit rating, as this can positively impact your insurance premiums.

Discounts and Savings Opportunities

High-risk drivers may still be eligible for various discounts, including:

  • Safe Driver Discounts: For maintaining a clean driving record over a specified period.
  • Good Student Discounts: Available to young drivers who achieve good grades in school.
  • Multi-Car Discounts: Insuring multiple vehicles under the same policy can lead to savings.

By understanding high risk auto insurance and implementing these strategies, you can find ways to manage costs and secure the coverage you need.

High-Risk Auto Insurance Providers

Top Insurance Companies in California for High Risk Drivers

Finding the right insurance can make a significant difference for high-risk drivers. At Cal Patriot Insurance, we are your go-to auto insurance Fresno provider. We offer quotes from multiple insurance companies. Here are some of the top companies in California that specialize in high risk auto insurance, along with their unique offerings and benefits:

  1. Dairyland Insurance
    • Unique Offerings: Dairyland offers flexible payment plans and SR-22 filings, which are often required for high-risk drivers. They also provide comprehensive coverage options tailored to high-risk profiles.
    • Benefits: Quick and easy online quotes, 24/7 claims support, and a range of discounts including for safe driving and vehicle safety features.
  2. The General
    • Unique Offerings: The General is known for insuring high-risk drivers with past driving violations or accidents. They provide low down payments and flexible payment options.
    • Benefits: Immediate proof of insurance, easy online and mobile access to policy management, and discounts for maintaining continuous coverage.
  3. State Farm
    • Unique Offerings: While State Farm is known for serving a wide range of drivers, they also have tailored plans for high-risk drivers, including young drivers and those with a history of traffic violations.
    • Benefits: Personalized service through a network of local agents, extensive coverage options, and multiple discount opportunities, such as good driving and multi-policy discounts.
  4. Progressive
    • Unique Offerings: Progressive provides a variety of coverage options for high-risk drivers and offers tools like the Name Your Price tool to help fit coverage within a budget.
    • Benefits: Snapshot® program for potential discounts based on driving behavior, 24/7 customer service, and a strong online presence for easy policy management.
  5. Acceptance Insurance
    • Unique Offerings: Acceptance specializes in non-standard auto insurance, catering specifically to high-risk drivers. They offer flexible payment plans and SR-22 filings.
    • Benefits: Multiple locations throughout California, easy online quotes, and discounts for electronic payments and prior insurance coverage.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Choosing the right insurance provider is also about understanding customer experiences. Here are some testimonials and ratings from high-risk drivers who have used these companies:

  • Dairyland Insurance
    • Customer Review: “Dairyland made the process of getting SR-22 insurance straightforward and stress-free. Their flexible payment plans really helped me manage my budget.” – Lisa P.
    • Rating: 4.5/5 for customer service and claims handling.
  • The General
    • Customer Review: “The General was one of the few companies willing to insure me after my DUI. Their low down payment options were a lifesaver.” – Mike T.
    • Rating: 4.2/5 for affordability and customer support.
  • State Farm
    • Customer Review: “State Farm’s local agent helped me find the best coverage for my situation. Their discounts for safe driving have been a great bonus.” – Sarah L.
    • Rating: 4.7/5 for personalized service and coverage options.
  • Progressive
    • Customer Review: “Progressive’s Snapshot program helped me save money by rewarding my safe driving habits. Their online tools are very user-friendly.” – John D.
    • Rating: 4.6/5 for innovative tools and customer experience.
  • Acceptance Insurance
    • Customer Review: “Acceptance Insurance understood my needs as a high-risk driver. Their SR-22 filing was quick and easy, and their customer service was excellent.” – Karen M.
    • Rating: 4.4/5 for ease of process and customer service.

By choosing one of these top-rated insurance providers, high-risk drivers in California can find the coverage they need with the support and benefits that best suit their unique circumstances.

Legal Requirements and Coverage Options

Minimum Insurance Requirements

Every state has specific minimum coverage requirements that high-risk drivers must meet. In California, the minimum liability insurance requirements are:

  • Bodily Injury Liability: $15,000 per person and $30,000 per accident.
  • Property Damage Liability: $5,000 per accident.

High-risk drivers might also be required to file an SR-22 form, which is a certificate of financial responsibility proving that they carry the minimum required insurance.

Types of Coverage Available

High-risk drivers have several coverage options to consider:

  • Liability Coverage: Covers damages and injuries you cause to others in an accident.
  • Comprehensive and Collision Coverage: Comprehensive covers non-collision-related damage (e.g., theft, vandalism), while collision covers damages from accidents involving other vehicles or objects.
  • SR-22 and FR-44 Forms: SR-22 is a certificate of financial responsibility often required for high-risk drivers. FR-44 is similar but is used in a few states with higher coverage limits.

Additional Coverage Options

Additional coverage options can provide extra protection and peace of mind:

  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: Protects you if you’re involved in an accident with a driver who has insufficient or no insurance.
  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP): Covers medical expenses and lost wages for you and your passengers, regardless of fault.
  • Medical Payments Coverage: Covers medical expenses for you and your passengers after an accident.

Improving Your Driving Record

Steps to Reduce Your Risk Profile

Improving your driving record can help reduce your insurance premiums over time. Here are some steps to take:

  • Safe Driving Practices: Follow traffic laws, avoid speeding, and practice defensive driving.
  • Attending Traffic School: Completing a traffic school course can help remove points from your driving record.
  • Regular Vehicle Maintenance: Keep your vehicle in good condition to avoid accidents caused by mechanical failures.

Long-Term Strategies for Lowering Insurance Costs

Implementing these strategies can help lower your insurance costs in the long run:

  • Avoiding Traffic Violations: Staying violation-free can help improve your driving record.
  • Keeping a Consistent Insurance History: Maintain continuous insurance coverage to avoid lapses.
  • Demonstrating Responsible Behavior Over Time: Over time, responsible driving and behavior can lead to lower premiums.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Common Questions About High-Risk Auto Insurance

  • How long does the high-risk classification last?
    • The classification typically lasts for 3-5 years, depending on the severity of the offenses and state regulations.
  • Can I switch insurance companies as a high-risk driver?
    • Yes, you can switch companies. Shopping around can help you find better rates and coverage options.
  • What happens if I can’t find coverage?
    • If you can’t find coverage, you may need to seek out a high-risk insurance provider or look into state-run insurance programs.
  • How can I lower my premiums over time?
    • Improve your driving record, maintain continuous coverage, and take advantage of discounts and defensive driving courses.

Get A Quote Today!

Finding the right high risk auto insurance coverage is crucial for protecting yourself and your vehicle. Don’t let the high-risk classification deter you from securing the insurance you need.

Click for Dairyland auto quotes: flexible, instant ID, low down payments, SR-22. Accessible coverage for all

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